It’s been almost a year since I made my first quilt. It took me a while to decide to write about it. Was this just the latest in my pandemic hobbies? Would I lose interest? One year, five quilts, and over 100 fabrics in my growing fabric stash later, and I’m thinking this hobby might […]
Branding 101: Understanding the Basics
Branding is hard to understand, even when it’s your job. And when people talk about branding, chances are they aren’t all talking about the same thing. Is it design? Is it marketing? Who is responsible for it? How do you manage a brand? If you’re confused and feel like you need branding 101, you’re not […]
Building your brand story: 4 questions for entrepreneurs
I met with a wonderful friend a few summers ago to catch up about what we were both working on. She’s funny, accomplished, and extremely talented. She had started a business, and her brand story had fractured into pieces before she’d barely even begun. She was confused, frustrated, and unsure about what to do and […]
Branding quotes that just make sense
Call me cheesy, but I love quotes. They help me remind myself of things I care about, things I need to improve, and things I’ve forgotten. I find that the most interesting branding quotes weren’t intended to be about branding. But even so, they are. Perhaps it’s because branding is poetic. Perhaps it’s because human […]
Choosing the right path: Confessions of a wannabe hippie
In an alternate life, I don’t work in branding because I’m a hippie. I think about that version of myself every once in a while. That me is living in a yurt, growing lots of green things. She probably does fiber arts. She definitely brews her own kombucha. It makes me happy to think of […]
Branding vs marketing: A look at how they are different
People commonly confuse branding and marketing. It doesn’t help that there is no clear, universally agreed-upon definition of what branding even is. Most people, if asked, generally know what marketing is. They might say, “Marketing is promoting your products,” and although not comprehensive, they wouldn’t be wrong. But answering what branding is? That’s not likely to […]