Logos are fascinating. The most intriguing aspect isn’t the design, but the concept of logos and the purpose of a logo as it relates to branding. When you research the origins of the word ‘brand’, you learn that it comes from the literal branding of livestock. The mark made by a hot iron distinguished who […]
Poetic branding: Being a poet in the world of business
People hate poetry*. But people also think branding sounds sexy, which is funny because poetry and branding have a lot in common. In fact, I’ve always thought of myself as a business poet and my job as poetic branding. Poetry is defined as ‘The art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by […]
The secret to success in branding is asking questions
When your job involves branding, you should prioritize asking questions. To the people responsible for a brand, or those who aspire to success in branding, that might be counterintuitive. Aren’t you supposed to have all the answers? In some ways, yes, you have to filter ideas and communicate your brand’s framework. But the truth is […]